The economic benefits of ensuring access to high quality education are difficult to exaggerate. Many societal problems could be solved if people had access to the educational resources they need.
My own educational opportunities have provided me with the freedom to pursue an exciting career, explore interesting hobbies, understand finances, and even cook delicious food. All aspects of my life have been deeply enriched by a passion for learning. This motivates me to give back in order to increase the educational opportunities available to as many people as possible. This is why I volunteer my time and money in support of the proven mission of Communities in Schools.
Providing true access to high quality education does not stop at building schools and employing classroom teachers. Creating an environment where high quality learning is possible requires both quality instruction from teachers and quality learning from students.
Can you effectively learn if you are worried about when you will get your next meal? Or if you don’t have the warm clothing to make the journey to school on a cold day? Can you effectively learn if you don’t believe that learning is important or useful? Or if you lack the role models that can provide you the motivation to succeed when times are tough? Teachers simply cannot address all of the needs of every child they are responsible for throughout the day. This is where Communities in Schools steps in to help.
Communities in Schools helps create the conditions where learning is possible by placing site coordinators directly into schools. These site coordinators work alongside teachers, parents, administrators, volunteers, and community partners to improve the educational outcomes for students who are in real danger of falling behind and potentially dropping out of school. The CIS model is proven to be effective. As a volunteer, I have witnessed this first hand.
Show your support by donating or getting involved today!
Grant Harper
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