One of the most special features of Wakefield has not only carried over to the new building, but has gained numerous resources and technological upgrades after the move in August.  The Senior Project, managed by the wonderful, 13 year Wakefield veteran Lisa LaBella, is an intensive year long project carried out by Wakefield Seniors.

Officially, the Senior Project is defined as ” a significant “real world” project. The project includes instruction, research, and experience. An outstanding project reflects approximately 150 hours of work. Students document their hours in journals and write about their experiences in personal essays. Each project culminates in an oral presentation before an assessment panel. The student chooses three of the four panelists who will evaluate the project.”  The most important aspect of the project is that seniors demonstrate an aspect of new learning and growth, and makes a connection to an expert in the area they are involved in for their project.

The new building only adds to the excellence of the Senior Project – and includes a large new workspace for Ms. LaBella and students alike, two state of the art presentation rooms equipped with SMARTboards, numerous computer labs and wireless access throughout the building.   The Senior Project has been an excellent opportunity for students at Wakefield to gain research and practical experience in subjects they are interested in, and will only grow with the spaces in the newly constructed school.