About Madelon Brennan

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So far Madelon Brennan has created 83 blog entries.

Partnerships In Service to Community: Dr. Jean Milliken

From the beginning of Communities In Schools 37 years ago, I have had the opportunity to see CIS grow and benefit hundreds of thousands of children and teenagers. I am so pleased that CIS has begun to serve young people in Northern Virginia, beginning in Arlington, where I live. My experience of serving on the CIS of NOVA Board and volunteering in one of the high schools this past year has confirmed for me the value this organization brings to underserved youth in the community. I look forward to our expanding into other school districts throughout Northern Virginia so that more young [...]

2016-08-16T15:22:33+00:00June 3rd, 2015|0 Comments

Partnerships In Service to Community: Koube Ngaaje & AFAC

CIS of NOVA was truly instrumental in establishing the [Arlington] Career Center as the first AFAC distribution site within a school for students and families. This partnership not only introduced AFAC’s services to several families suffering from food insecurity in silence, but has also provided a strong incentive for students to pursue their education and helped establish CIS of NOVA as a resource to students and to the broader Arlington community. —Koube Ngaaje, Director of Operations, Arlington Food Assistance Center

2016-08-16T15:22:38+00:00June 2nd, 2015|0 Comments

Partnerships In Service to Community: Debbie Polhemus & Phoenix Bikes

  Working with my students and Phoenix Bikes has been the high point of my year. With all my other responsibilities, I didn't have the time or perseverance to make the connection to Phoenix Bikes myself. But once I heard that you had brought them to Wakefield, I jumped right in. As an English teacher of newly arrived immigrant teens--many with interrupted formal education, I struggle to determine what "relevant" instruction is. There is no doubt in my mind that the training offered through Phoenix Bikes is relevant. My students learned repair skills and English vocabulary. They learned to observe and collaborate. [...]

2016-08-16T15:22:45+00:00June 1st, 2015|0 Comments

Celebrating Diversity during Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

For this May’s Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Gunston Middle School celebrated in style with events representing the rich cultures of Japan and India. Students participated in a lunchtime craft-learning workshop about the art of folding paper, or, origami. Students were able to make paper cranes taught by a knowledgeable seventh grader. Gunston students finished out the month with help from the Asia Heritage Foundation. Wuiping Yap from the Foundation taught a group of students an entertaining Bollywood-style dance to the song “Pinky!” The students found that dancing any kind of choreographed number, especially something with as many moves and [...]

2016-08-16T15:20:04+00:00May 29th, 2015|0 Comments

After-School Success At Wakefield High School

The 2014-2015 school year saw many great additions to CIS of NOVA at Wakefield High School. One new program that was launched, with the support and assistance of the Wakefield staff and dedicated CIS of NOVA volunteers, was an after-school study hall. By combining the principals of Communities In Schools Five Basics, CIS of NOVA was able to facilitate a safe and positive environment for personal success and growth. Along with the focus on academic success, students also met with partner organizations and Wakefield staff members to work on resume writing, summer job searches and setting personal goals. The consistent and long [...]

2016-08-16T15:19:52+00:00May 22nd, 2015|0 Comments

Maverick Voices: Sharing the Stories of Arlington Mill Students

While many students are worried about their end-of-year prom, SAT scores, or passing their driver’s tests, other students are focusing on balancing their schoolwork, full-time jobs outside of school, and even about feeding their families and children. Arlington Mill High School students are composed of members from around the Arlington community and come from around the world. And while many students county-wide face struggles every day, Arlington Mill students face unique challenges that have gone unnoticed and untold. To bring their stories out to the community, CIS of NOVA is beginning their new campaign titled “I Am Arlington” as a way to highlight success stories [...]

2016-08-16T15:19:29+00:00May 18th, 2015|0 Comments

Arlington Officials Devise New Ways To Further Reduce Dropouts

Original article from Inside NOVA By Scott McCaffrey Several years ago, Arlington school officials couldn’t track down a student who had been AWOL from the classroom for days. They turned to School Board member Emma Violand-Sanchez, who knew the young man, was able to find him and get him back in class. A situation that could have ended as a statistic resulted in a student who graduated high school and now is in college. That type of story shows that Arlington educators “focus on each student,” Violand-Sanchez said during a May 7 presentation on efforts to further cut drop-out rates. The good news [...]

2016-08-16T15:19:17+00:00May 12th, 2015|0 Comments

Career Day 2015 at Wakefield

On Thursday, April 30th, 40 volunteers and 200 sophomore students gathered in the Wakefield High School cafeteria to discuss education and career paths for the Sophomore Career Day. The Sophomore Career Day is an annual event in which students are able to hear from professionals in the Northern Virginia area and ask questions about their careers. Students and volunteers heard from Bishop Garrison, the event’s keynote speaker, and then engaged in a “speed networking” activity. Each student heard from volunteer speakers about their education and career paths, career changes and strategies for making transitions between high school and college, and eventually entering [...]

2016-08-16T15:18:58+00:00May 4th, 2015|0 Comments

Hyatt Regency At Crystal City With Wakefield Students

One of this year’s newest partnerships was with Hyatt Regency at Crystal City, with the hotel running its PENCIL college readiness program for students at Wakefield High School. Fourteen Wakefield students visited the hotel in late February to meet with Hyatt employees from all fields in hospitality. Students heard from one of the senior chefs, a building engineer, a marketing representative, event planners and human resource managers, with the take home message that even though there are numerous careers in hospitality, everyone has to start somewhere and that education is the key to opportunities. The day concluded with a complimentary lunch at [...]

2016-08-16T15:18:34+00:00April 13th, 2015|0 Comments

Phoenix Bikes Engages Students At Wakefield High School

The second semester of Phoenix Bikes at Wakefield High School kicked off on February 5, 2015, with twelve Wakefield students learning about bike mechanics and the importance of community service. Throughout the spring semester, students have learned bicycle mechanics and how to perform repairs, as well as work on bicycles that would be later donated to Arlington community members, and to a fellow Wakefield classmate. CIS of NOVA partnered with Wakefield staff members Debbie Polhemus and Joyce Kelly to recruit students and coordinate the club at the school. Each Thursday, Ms. Polhemus and Ms. Kelly meet with the Bike Club students during study [...]

2016-08-16T15:18:14+00:00April 1st, 2015|0 Comments
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