Senior Spotlight: Juan’s Journey

Senior Spotlight: Juan, a senior at Alexandria City High School. When Juan came to the United States from El Salvador, he had questions about how things would go for him and his family. One thing he was sure of, though, was that his family would be better off regardless of how difficult things would be here. Juan and his family left their home country, seeking a better shot at life. Juan is set to graduate from ACHS at the end of this school year and has already surpassed his own expectations. He was the first person in his family to learn to [...]

2022-12-15T01:02:30+00:00October 25th, 2022|0 Comments

Celebrating Seniors: Hewan’s Success

We have much to celebrate with the school year having come to a close, especially when it comes to our high school seniors who have graduated and will be moving on to a new chapter. We have been highlighting seniors on Twitter through our Senior Spotlight to commemorate the challenges they have overcome and the well deserved rewards of their efforts. See more below or on Twitter Follow @cisofnova One student especially deserving recognition is Hewan from Wakefield High School! Having immigrated from Ethiopia, Hewan and her family knew little about the college application process. Luckily, with the help of her CIS [...]

2022-06-28T19:17:26+00:00June 28th, 2022|0 Comments

Communities In Schools NOVA included in Transformative Investment to Help Combat Inequities in Education

February 3, 2022 - Communities In Schools of Northern Virginia (CIS NOVA), an affiliate of a national organization working to ensure every student, regardless of race, zip code, or history of marginalization has what they need to succeed in school and beyond, today announced it is part of a unprecedented gift from author and philanthropist MacKenzie Scott to the Communities In Schools Network and National Office. Earlier today, Communities In Schools, Inc. announced the unprecedented $133.5 million donation from Scott. In addition to the CIS National Office, 40 affiliates of the 110 organizations in the CIS Network were also direct recipients of [...]

2022-02-13T14:23:18+00:00February 3rd, 2022|0 Comments

Awesome Blossoms!

When most adults reflect back on their middle school days, they’re plagued with the memory of an awkward adolescence! A typical middle school student will grapple with increasing responsibilities, challenging coursework, sustaining friendships, exploring their own individuality and dreams for the future. The challenges of adolescence are the same at Glasgow Middle School, but with over 1900 students it’s even harder to find yourself and your tribe. Girls particularly find it difficult to navigate relationships with their peers, especially when facing a conflict. They wanted an outlet to connect with each other and express themselves. That’s how Awesome Blossoms came about! Through [...]

2020-03-08T14:02:34+00:00February 2nd, 2020|0 Comments

Arlington Resource Fair

One of the things that makes Arlington unique is just how resource-rich it is. There are different organizations active in the county that cover needs from food and clothing to job placement and legal aid. Despite the abundance of assistance, those in need very rarely hear about all the support available to them. To bridge this gap Communities in Schools held its first annual Resource Fair at Wakefield High School! CIS invited more than 200 families from the area to attend the fair along with 15 service providers to spread information about their different programs. Many of the organizations present (including the [...]

2020-03-08T14:07:23+00:00February 2nd, 2020|0 Comments

ACHS Graduation 2019

Last month, seniors across the country partook in the celebration of their high school accomplishments through their graduation ceremony. Arlington Community HS graduates were no different as they celebrated-- what was for many—an arduous and hard-earned road to the finish line. Royal blue caps and gowns, swaying tassels and the constant glimmer of camera flashes capture only a small glimpse into the world of graduation for our students. Walking across that stage set a precedent, as many students were the very first in their families to receive a High School diploma. The gratitude expressed by graduates to CIS NOVA and the ACHS [...]

2020-03-08T14:07:40+00:00July 28th, 2019|0 Comments

Arlington Soccer Association

Communities in Schools has partnered with the Arlington Soccer Association's Read Madrid program to bring after school soccer to Barcroft the past three years. This year, third and fourth graders developed soccer skills in addition to strong relationships with their teammates, coaches, and CIS Site Coordinator while working to reach goals on and off the field. CIS believes pairing students with caring adults sets them up to achieve in school and in life. We are grateful to the Arlington Soccer Association for their dependable coaching and leadership of students in the soccer program!

2020-03-08T14:07:58+00:00June 23rd, 2019|0 Comments

Barcroft Mentoring Program

The Barcroft Mentoring program led by Communities in Schools wrapped up with a final event the last week of school. CIS believes that when students are paired with a caring adult in a one-on-one relationship, positive change occurs. This truth became reality over the course of the year for 25 students at Bacroft who were paired with 25 teachers, staff, and community volunteers as mentors. Each pair met weekly for half an hour or more of one-on-one time, and all pairs gathered monthly for exciting events. The final celebration included decorating a gift of a framed photo of each mentor-mentee pair, enjoying [...]

2020-03-08T14:08:22+00:00June 23rd, 2019|0 Comments

Roving Readers Comes to Barcroft

Have you ever heard your favorite children's story read in another language? Barcroft Elementary first graders got the opportunity to hear the story One by Kathryn Otoshi in English, Spanish, and Arabic during reading time recently. Communities in Schools strives to meet the needs and celebrate the unique characteristics of every student and their families, including those whose native language may not be English. Exposure to a variety of languages gives students a chance to experience what some of their classmates may hear when they are at home. What a fun way to learn about one another!

2020-03-08T14:08:38+00:00June 23rd, 2019|0 Comments

Thank you to our volunteers!

Two of Barcroft's CIS of NOVA volunteers received much-deserved recognition and a raffled gift last week at Bacroft's annual Volunteer Appreciation Tea. Cristian and Sydney help out each week by distributing bags of food to students in conjunction with CIS's partnership with the Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC). Over 20% of Barcroft families participate in this program, which gives families supplemental groceries for the weekend for each child in the program. We couldn't do the work without the help of AFAC and our volunteers. Thank you!

2020-03-08T14:11:30+00:00May 14th, 2019|0 Comments
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