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So far Madelon Brennan has created 83 blog entries.


No, the title is not a word jumble! On Wednesday October 16th, sophomore and junior students across the country took the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test - a "practice" standardized test that prepares students for taking college entrance exams, gives students to receive feedback regarding their writing skills and allows students to qualify for scholarship programs based on their results on the test. While freshman and senior students have the morning off of school, sophomores and juniors arrive to school at 8am to receive test information, find their testing rooms, sharpen their pencils and take the PSAT test during the morning [...]

2016-08-16T15:11:00+00:00October 16th, 2013|0 Comments

Hispanic Heritage Month celebration at The Arlington Career Center

This past Friday, there was music, dancing, food and more as students at The Arlington Career Center celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month. The many cultures of students from Spanish-speaking countries were featured throughout the celebration. From guest speaker Don Xavier Gisbert da Cruz from the Embassy of Spain to poetry, dance and visual presentations, students truly gained a lot from participating in the celebration. The event concluded with a lunch reception with food from across cultures provided by students and staff. Students gained a great deal from the exposure to the richness of Hispanic Heritage and had a phenomenal time in the process.

2016-08-16T15:10:45+00:00October 15th, 2013|0 Comments

New Traditions for Homecoming at Wakefield

Complimenting an incredible new building, the senior class took the initiative to introduce several new traditions at Wakefield High School last week for the Homecoming Spirit Week.  Each day leading up to the Homecoming dance on Saturday, Wakefield students dressed up in pajamas, neon colors, their favorite teams sports jerseys and in Wakefield colors to celebrate the beginning of a new year and the spirit that makes Wakefield with Pep Rally on Friday! One of these new traditions pitted each class against one another in a "Class War", which award points based on the number of students in each class participating the [...]

2016-08-16T15:10:25+00:00October 8th, 2013|0 Comments

College Summit comes to Arlington Mill High School

Guess what's coming to Arlington Mill High School? College Summit, a national nonprofit committed to helping students soar to new heights by getting to and through college, is launching its program this year with seniors and sophomores at Arlington Mill High School. As part of the program, students will strive for and reach milestones that will ensure their success in post-secondary planning. Arlington Mill High School is excited to host one of its newest programs as the school continues to find new and innovative ways to support its students.

2016-08-16T15:10:06+00:00October 8th, 2013|0 Comments

Seniors Projects at Wakefield

One of the most special features of Wakefield has not only carried over to the new building, but has gained numerous resources and technological upgrades after the move in August.  The Senior Project, managed by the wonderful, 13 year Wakefield veteran Lisa LaBella, is an intensive year long project carried out by Wakefield Seniors. Officially, the Senior Project is defined as " a significant “real world” project. The project includes instruction, research, and experience. An outstanding project reflects approximately 150 hours of work. Students document their hours in journals and write about their experiences in personal essays. Each project culminates in an [...]

2016-08-16T15:09:46+00:00October 1st, 2013|0 Comments

AFAC: Ensuring a healthy future for our students

One of the priorities of Communities in Schools of Northern Virginia is to work to ensure that the students it serves have the basic needs required for them to flourish in school and beyond. One of those needs centers around making sure each and every student has the opportunity to have healthy meals. Thus, with the help of Communities in Schools of Northern Virginia, the Career Center has partnered with Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) to make its building a distribution site for healthy food options. AFAC has distributed over 2.5 million pounds of food last year to Arlington families, and through [...]

2016-08-16T15:09:17+00:00September 30th, 2013|0 Comments

Making a Splash at Wakefield

On September 22nd, Wakefield High School officially opened its Aquatics Center to the public, becoming the third high school in Arlington to renovate its facilities in the last five years.   The beautiful new facilities include two pools, a "wet" classroom, a diving well with boards and platforms, and a spectator gallery for fans, parents and students to stay dry. Additionally, the pool is equipped with state of the art timing systems as seen in Olympic events, where swimmers are timed by touching the wall of the pool - which will make for exciting races come swim season! While the facility at Wakefield [...]

2016-08-16T15:08:47+00:00September 26th, 2013|0 Comments

Back to School Breakfast at the Career Center

This Saturday, Sept. 28, 2013 at 8:30 a.m., the parents and families of students at Arlington Career Center are in for a treat! The Career Center Culinary Arts and Sciences program will be providing a breakfast fit for kings to students and families as they are welcomed back to the 2013 - 2014 school year. Families will be given tours of the building and also introduced to the phenomenal instructors who will be teaching their students this upcoming school year. We know the importance of parent involvement when it comes to students and hope to have a packed house this Saturday! Photo [...]

2016-08-16T15:08:33+00:00September 24th, 2013|0 Comments

Save the Date for Wakefield!

This Sunday, September 22nd 2013, Wakefield High School will be opening its doors to the public for the first time since the building officially opened for learning in August.   The dedication ceremony will start at 1:30pm, and will be followed by an open house, tours of the building and the opening of the amazing aquatics center. Thousands of community members, parents and Wakefield alum are expected to attend the ceremony.  While parking will be tight around the building, all are encouraged to attend Sunday and witness the beginning of a new chapter in Wakefield's history.  Please see the attached information and join [...]

2016-08-16T15:08:12+00:00September 20th, 2013|0 Comments

The value of schools like Arlington Mill High School

People throughout our country are scrambling for answers when it comes to what it will take to ensure our students are successful. We are losing youth every day around the country who do not believe that education is a viable option. These youth leave schools for various reasons. Some are just not responding to the traditional structure of school--needing to move faster or needing more innovative means of instruction to keep them engaged. Others have serious family responsibilities that they must tend to that make attending school in a traditional sense difficult and seemingly impossible. There are other cases of individuals who [...]

2016-08-16T15:07:47+00:00September 19th, 2013|0 Comments
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